These thoughts have been weighing on my heart & mind . . .
1) Someone recently accused me of hawking wares: "the promise of better health" (which, of course I don't) while I, the seller of the wares, am a broken-down vehicle. And I had to think about it for a while because, the truth is, I am a clunker. So do I suffer from imposter syndrome?
Then I was reminded of my life 24 years ago. My herb shop had just closed, I was so incredibly sick with Chronic Fatigue (CF) I couldn't even do massages anymore, I couldn't get out of bed for days and when my good friend would come clean my house, I would just throw the covers over my head and we wouldn't even say hello to each other. She later told me she was worried one day I just wouldn't be alive when she came. It was scary for all of us.
Which leads me to:
2) Why did I go back to being an Herbalist when herbs didn't "fix" me the first 20 years? In 2009, after the market crashed, I finally got to quit being a mortgage broker and I found myself with lots of free time on my hands. So I decided to start fixing some things that were extremely out of balance. I needed to learn what boundaries were, I needed to fix my marriage which had been damaged by the years of me being sick & I needed to fix my food addiction. It was a tough and painful couple of years but I came out of it 100 lbs. lighter and a Certified Health Coach. I thought I was finally on the fun part of the roller coaster! #WooHoo
But my depression was still there. I was still on anti-depressants (which I need after having the twins) and so much was improved but I still would have debilitating lows. And THEN, like a crazy person, I decided to homeschool my daughter through sixth grade. For some reason I did not realize that I would be going through 6th grade again myself. I call it my alcoholic year.
In March 2014, after having a CF fever for 7 months (it’s when my body is fighting a virus and I get a low grade fever for months), I finally tried Solle Naturals. Up to that point, I had tried everything I could think of and everything anyone suggested on the market (from Naturopaths or Direct Sales) and I still had my fever. The first five days of drinking Vital and Cinnamate (Vital has a ton of greens and adaptogens & Cinnamate has Yerba Mate, Cinnamon and Nopal - great for energy and inflammation), my fever broke and my chronic fatigue finally went into remission. I had been suffering horribly with chronic fatigue since 1990! I just thought my health issues were out of the scope of herbs being able to help. I didn't realize I was on the wrong type of herbs!!! #MindBlown 🤯
I bought a bunch of the drinks and I sent 7 days samples to 10 of my clients and said, "Try this and tell me if you feel anything." All 10 of my clients reported back how much better they felt (even my MS client). And I knew I was onto something.
Which leads me to:
3) I'm asked this question every week. "Will I need to take/drink this forever?"
Well, I experimented with the answer so you don't have to. 2014 was a great year - I did my first couple 5Ks, I went off my antidepressants, I earned an all expense trip to Costa Rica and then in 2015, I crashed again. In fact, 2016 was the lowest I had been in years & years. So I started from scratch on 2017. The truth is, I had gone off most of my herbal protocol!! #whatwasIthinking?
When one works with traditional herbs you tend to ween off eventually anyway because they stop working as well. I hadn't yet realized that adaptogens work differently. Adaptogens bring the body into balance. It’s like turning on your smart thermostat and walking away. The time you start feeling uncomfortable is when you turn it off. That’s how adaptogens work. Then, when you combine that with the philosophy of Solle Naturals - that whole plant nutrition works better than extracted phyto-nutrients - you’ve got a powerful product. For example, eating an orange brings more results then taking vitamin C. Eating a carrot does more for your body then taking beta carotene. Solle Naturals not only uses adaptogens, they contain whole plants/fruits in their formulas.
Taking/drinking whole plant adaptogens is like using the best smart thermostat on the market while eating A POWERFUL salad. Sometimes broccoli is better for your illness and sometimes spinach is called for but your not going to graduate from eating your veggies! This is part of your grocery bill now. There's tabletop food and now you have countertop food. I learned this lesson the hard way.
I went back on my full protocol of adaptogens in 2017 and tweaked things even further in 2018 and this year I feel as healthy as I did back in 2014. I reversed my diabetic diagnosis, I'm off all meds, I've lost over 50 lbs. and even though I fight the C.F. virus, I fight it! It doesn't debilitate me anymore.
"Let me sum up" (name that movie)
1) I'm not suffering from imposter syndrome. You just didn't know me when this clunker didn't run at all!
2) There is NO one-hit-wonder company out there and I love my other companies but Solle Naturals is the most powerful, safe and effective adaptogenic herbal company I've ever experienced or researched.
3) Sorry, but you don't get to quit your countertop groceries. You won't be graduating from Brussels sprouts and you won't be graduating from drinking your Vital! - Mama says