The Perfect Storm - ADD/ADHD

I often think of our children as “Kids Lite” – you know, the watered down version of the app with less features and uses. Compared to the hearty version of kids decades ago, I think we’re dealing with a “Kids Lite” version.

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Wendy Place
Getting the Sleep of Your Dreams

Do you ever feel like your sleep is under attack? Mind is racing, too much caffeine, kids having nightmares, pets encroaching on your space, partner snoring? We all KNOW sleep is important but most of us accept lack of sleep as a casualty of the world we live in. 

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Wendy Place
Love Your Heart

The new year is in full swing and flying by.  Are you taking time to achieve your New Year’s resolutions? We might start with good intentions but slowly the motivation wanes. WOMEN, don’t let that happen! Heart disease is the number one cause of death for women in the United States.

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Wendy Place
Top Three Weight Loss Myths

The struggle is REAL! Genetics, environment, peer pressure, fast food, big boned – we have so many things working against us when it comes to losing weight & keeping it off. And the diet industry knows it! In 2014 it was a $64-billion-dollar industry! That’s with a B people!

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Wendy Place